Silicone Gel with Aloe vera | > SKIN CARE



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Silicone Gel with Aloe vera

The cosmetic for you scars and Stretch Marks. Keloids and hypertrophic scars are fibro proliferative disorders of dermal tissue after skin injury. Many clinical control studies have reported evidence that silicone gel is effective in preventing and alleviating hypertrophic scarring. Regarding the treatment on Stretch Marks, after pregnancy ,weight change and puberty, Apply two or three times a day in a very small amount over the fresh or old healed scars, after having cleaned with alcohol solution. Unique gel formulation of silicon gel and Certified Organic Aloe Vera that prevents stretch marks from occurring, although, in addition softens and flattens existing stretch marks. Silicon is for external medical purposes, produced and is enriched with high quantities of vit E.

The full treatment it may require several months.

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The main task of modern skin care cosmetics, is without doubt, the preservation of a youthful, healthy condition and appearance of the skin.

In addition, we all can expect, that the accurate and effective skin care products, eliminate small or big deforming expressions and features from the human skin. Those deformities are produced due to stress, aging, environmental and somatic factors, without contrariwise preserving and ensuring at the same time, an optimal equilibrium between all the skin functions.



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DRV Medicart

  • Address : Kifissias 332, Halandri, Athens, Greece, 15233
  • Phone : (+30) - 210 36 08 606
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